La description

Key Features & SpecificationsCapabilities
  • IEEE 802.3bs standard compliant stressed optical receiver characterization for 400GBASE-LR8/-FR8/-DR4, 400G-FR4 MSA and 200GBASE-LR4/-FR4/-DR4 modules
  • One vendor turn-key solution automates all required instruments in the solution
  • Repeatable and stable calibration of optical stressed PAM-4 signal
  • Adjustable target values for outer extinction ratio (OER), transmission and dispersion eye closure (TDECQ), optical modulation amplitude (OMA)
  • Unified instrument control and setting with the N4917BSCB software
  • Automated stress signal calibration, receiver sensitivity and jitter tolerance measurements
  • Customized device testing and reporting via DUT control and scripting interface
  • Adjustable stress mix for user-defined calibration
  • Flexible calibration based on customer defined parameter settings
DescriptionThe Keysight N4917BSCB optical receiver test solution is a complete, automated and repeatable solution for optical receiver stress test. It provides repeatable calibration of the optical stressed eye, saving hours of calibration time compared to manual calibration according to IEEE 802.3bs clause 121, 122 and 124. The N4917BSCB solution software enables control and setting of all required instruments for calibration, receiver sensitivity and jitter tolerance test.The optical receiver stress test solution is based on the M8040A 64 Gbaud high-performance BERT and includes an arbitrary waveform generator, an optical reference transmitter, a DCA series digital sampling oscilloscope, a tunable laser source and an optical attenuator. Alternative setup configurations are supported and the hardware can be used for other kinds of device compliance test such as for optical transmitters and chip-to-module interfaces.N4917BSCB Optical receiver stress test user interface showing the stress configuration screenCalibrated stressed signal for 200GBASE-FR4 optical receiver compliance test(with 13.28 GHz receiver bandwidth and 5 taps T-spaced FIR filter)Keysight RF and Digital Learning Center - A commitment to learning with industry experts''